Why we built this tool?
In the world where attribution has become an issue and Facebook has lost a big part of its data, knowing where your customers are is incredibly important. Facebook knows what their users are interested in and interest-based audiences are still the best weapon to reach out to them if we don’t want to rely ONLY on Facebook algorithm.
Facebook is enforcing the using of Targeting Expansion, but it’s important to give a strong interests seed to better drive the algorithm.
We were tired of tools that can only show Facebook hidden interests in a random fashion, only surfacing interests without distinctions. Any developer can do an API call!
We decided to give all advertisers the same technology that powers our smart ads at Nanos.ai
Sign up/Log in the Nanos app and head to the “Marketplace”. You’ll find the AEX there.
How It Works
Step 1
Input a seed keyword (it doesn’t need to be a Facebook Interest).
Step 2
Our Facebook Interest Explorer (AEX) creates semantically coherent interests paths using multiple sources and computes them internally.
Step 3 (optional)
Select the best suggestions, refine the search infinite times and export you results into a CSV or directly to Facebook.
The AEX Facebook Interests Tool leverages NLP (natural language processing) and knowledge graphs to create coherent interests path to build profitable audiences.
Unlike ANY OTHER software on the market, AEX is able to understand the context of the seed interests and create a path to discover related interests revolving around the same topic or niche. See the example below:
Advanced Functionalities
AEX is not just a simple “interest crawling tool”.
From Google to Facebook
Connect your Google Analytics property, and map your best in-market segments to Facebook interests. AEX can also map your best performing Google Ads keywords to Facebook interests.
Knowledge graph powered
AEX, Nanos’ Facebook Interests Finder, uses several data sources like Wikidata, Google Content, and Google trends to create and update paths. AEX learns from every user choice and delivers smart choices.
Platform Integrations
Exploration paths can be applied to ongoing or new campaigns thanks to our full Facebook API integration.
NANOS AEX (AI Facebook Interest Targeting Tool)
Leverages the state of the art of Machine Learning
Semantical path suggestions
Learning capabilities
Google Analytics and Google Ads connection
No semantical analysis
No Learning
No direct deep integration with Facebook