If you have an e-commerce business and have noticed your ads are not performing, you are in the right place. Here are a few tips on how you can create an ad campaign that will help you generate new sales and increase traffic to your website.
High-Quality Images – E-commerce Business
Visuals are always important when advertising a product. In the same way that your ad needs to be targeted to a certain audience your visuals also need to be targeted to that audience as well. Investing in a high-quality camera to take pictures, or hiring someone to do your photography for you, is important as you want high-quality images for your ad campaign.
Facebook and Instagram are among the best platforms for posting e-commerce ads. Facebook is great because of how well you can break down the ads to reach your exact target audience. Instagram is already a visual platform, so it’s perfect for your visual ads. Instagram also allows advertising in their Instagram Stories – a feature that lets you stand out and differentiate yourself from the competition.
Another thing to avoid is using a mixture of stock photos along with your own images. Everything in your ad should be consistent and branded. Try to avoid stock photos where possible.
Attract Attention from Videos
Videos, whether on an Instagram Story feed or placed in a Facebook ad, will always be more appealing and make people notice your business. It can tell your brand’s story while selling your product. For example, you can show just how the product is made in a video or maybe even a recorded testimonial.
Remember to use keywords specific enough to target your audience. Do not just use general keywords. These will not be as effective, and they won’t convert as many sales.
This e-commerce site for hydromassage bathtubs, used specific long-tail keywords and targeted their specific niche. They also used Nanos AI so that they could target three platforms at once while staying within their budget. What they achieved with that was 218.35K impressions from their ads and over 1,300 clicks to their website. You can read their case study here.